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  • Writer's pictureLinda Jolly

Marshall Mcluhan Reflection


Mcluhan had many interesting ideas that were deemed radical and eccentric at the time, namely his prediction of the global village. This “Orwellian” speculation is fascinating to take note of as we are currently engulfed in a rapidly increasing global village with the help of today's technology. We are able to communicate faster than ever with people across the world. Another key idea of Mcluhan is, “the medium is the message” and this statement couldn’t be any more relevant than in our present day. I believe many people today would agree that smartphones have changed the way we live and interact with one another. Although what we consume on our phones may hold importance, the most radical shift in our behavior is not necessarily what we consume, but how we do it. Communication has become instantaneous and continues to change the way we interact with each other. Just as Mcluhan forecasted in his early work. We can also start looking at social media as a whole medium in itself. Mcluhan made these predictions over 50 years ago and they continue to stay relevant today. I can only imagine where our technology will take us as it continues to grow faster and smarter, and I wonder what that will mean for human behavior and the future of communication moving forward.


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