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  • Writer's pictureLinda Jolly

Extended Reality


The talk with Ariel on extended reality technologies was captivating and gave us great insights on the future of digital media. I am personally very interested in this sector of digital media and find not only the novelty of it attractive, but the possible capabilities of these technologies very intriguing. This was a great introduction to these technologies and being able to differentiate between AR, VR and MR will be useful as I continue down this career path. Discussing the positive opportunities that these technologies could bring was really relevant and thought provoking. Ariel talked about the power to connect, the ability to empower, educate and accessibility which are all very central issues we are seeing being tackled today. We know just how important connection and empowerment is for humans and being able to utilize these technologies in this context could be very transformative to the way we interact. Education is also a huge area for discussion and if (EX) could positively impact the way we learn this could be great tool for educators and students. Finally, accessibility is something that could be greatly improved with these technologies. Creating tools and services that can be used by anyone despite disabilities, age, and economic background is crucial if we want the digital space to be inclusive for future generations and I believe this is a very exciting area of discussion in relation to these innovations. I loved hearing about her work on Apple's augmented reality art installations and getting the behind the scenes information on how these exhibitions come to life. The intersection of art and technology is right where I imagine myself working as a future career and ultimately found this talk very valuable.


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